Sustainable Shipping


Clean Sea


  • Dialog Webinar

  • Coloring Competition

  • Handicraft Competition

***All the competition and programs are FREE***


  • Awareness of the importance of the sea

  • Safety ship knowledge about cleanliness of sea

  • Knowledge to guarantee a lifespan of Marine life

  • Prohibition disposal of garbage into the beach

Sustainable Shipping

Shipping logistics affect all of our lives in ways we tend not to think about. The transportation of goods across the world shapes what we buy, wear and use. Shipping influences the cost of goods, world trade and especially companies’ environmental impact.

Clean Sea

A healthy ocean regulates climate and reduce climate change impacts.

  • Ocean currents distribute heat across the globe, regulating temperature and weather. The ocean also absorbs over 90% of the heat and approximately 30% of carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities.

The ocean generates over half of the oxygen we breathe.

  • Phytoplankton, tiny marine plants that live on the ocean’s surface, photosynthesize and produce an estimated 50-80% of Earth’s oxygen.